By : Hari Sharma
Posted Date : 05-Aug-2019 10:15:40
When you are born in Libra Lagan, your personality will become more and more impressive as you age and you shall be attracting the opposite sex, may keep enjoying the much sensual pleasure with ease and become more luxurious and comfortable
You superiors and authorities shall like you and favour you in your professional life which shall get you fame and wealth
You are born in Libra which is very artistic, works miracles in anything towards much refinement in life.
You may become an expert in trading, buying, selling and doing negotiation of articles, finance deals and all other kinds of business deals. You will earn big money and high reputation from your trading and negotiation skills
After enjoying all the pleasures and luxuries, you may get into a pure divine mode and attain as you desire.
If you feel like and wish to become a public figure, there is an enormous possibility that you can achieve so. The same force can be applied in religious and spiritual thins.
Your skills of understanding the deals, clarity about negotiations of business deals shall be superior and you shall be capable of brining two parties who are in total disagreements with each other to arrive at a business decision to clinch a deal. You will have the skills to play pivotal role in getting the disputes resolved between parties, and earn money in some form such as consultancy fee, commission etc. from them.
You are generally very peace loving and wish to maintain good relations with everyone around, be it at personal or professional level.
You would always like to be away from the scuffle and controversy and would never get vehement and harsh to people, rather always try and behave in a sophisticated manner to put up your point in magical sugar coated words
You will always have quite sophisticate taste in everything you do and loves to be with lively people in life. Places of luxuries and attractive décor always fascinate you and pull your mind to be there.
In spite of all odds, you continue to remain truthful about your ideology, judicious, unbiased & righteous ways to carry out your work.
You always avoid getting indulged in scrupulous and wrong moves in your business deals related to financial matters. You will surely establish as a prominent and honest person in your profession and will earn fame and wealth.
You shall have the liking for listening to music, composing music, teaching and playing music and other musical instruments. Even if you like and take up this profession, you are sure to be successful and famous.
People having charming, lovely and pleasing disposition will always attract you very fast and you will mix and intermingle with them much faster.
The majority of times you are very accommodating while in group and well mixed with people who have intellect, pleasing disposition and some special quality and have the simplicity too and with such people you can make long term relations as well.
The elevated and greatness of your thinking process and mind would make you acceptable by all without any grudges and grievances.