Covers approx 2.0 lacs plus Permutation and Combination of all Planets / Houses / Rashi / Vargas / Constellations etc. The predictive from this is purely based on the existence and placement of planetary combinations in the Birth Chart.
This is part of Natal Predictive. There are approx 1000 plus Filters, which has been further spanning into Approx. 75 different type of question from around 20 plus main categories. Few of the main categories are Father, Intelligence & expression, Fortune, Money, Profession, Sufferings etc. This is a very useful tool for astrologer users to get the predictive as per Classics and else on a click away.
Approximately 5,000 plus significators cutting across Planet’s, House’s and Rashi’s has been provided in a very user friendly manner. User can easily search for a particular word to find it connectivity to Planet’s/House/ Rashi or in a combination of these.
The Research tool facilitates, for multiple permutations cutting across the Planets, Houses for any Individual chart a Group of Chart / Multiple Charts. Very user friendly format has been provided for all complex combinations required for Astro - Research...A great tool for Astrologer for doing Research onto.
Natal Calculation has been provided for the complex calculations arising out of an Individual Chart such as Bhava Sphuta, Kshetra Sphuta, Pushkar Navamsha etc.
Finally on a full blows mode it shall have escalate to more than 50,000 entries dealing with all astrological terminology explanations for user to understand the subject matter in a easy manner.
The following predictive shall be made live soon.
- Constellation / Nakashtra based predictive For Individual Chart
- Dasa Based predictive covering Mahadasa, Antradasa, Pritayantar Dasa based on an Individual Lagna
- Ashtakavarga based predictive for Individual Chart.
This being web based Astrology software, will always have the advantage of regular up gradation on various aspects of Astrology changes as per users requirement to keep them abreast seamlessly. Also for understanding of Astrology delineation, we will revert back as soon as possible.